What We Specialize in Treating

Mixed media image for anxiety card of a girl with plants and with the words "the grass is always greener where you water it".

Living with anxiety is so much more than getting nervous before a presentation or test. It is often living with the (false) knowledge that people don’t like you, you are going to fail, something terrible is going to happen, or you or someone you love is going to die.  When people feel anxious they often feel irritable and find themselves snapping at the people closest to them.

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Drawing on bipolar card of two people with clouds coming out of their heads.

At New perspective our team has expertise in applying DBT skills to Bipolar Disorder.

In therapy we will work with you to help develop routines and seek out environments that decrease vulnerability to mood swings. We also work with you to develop mindfulness skills so that you can notice unusual shifts in your behavior sooner.

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Image of woman on depression card with her hand over one of her eyes and the words "grow through what you go through".

Most of the time when people talk about depression they think about sadness; however, depression is so much more than that.  It is more than that feeling post break-up when you're in a fog for a few days or even weeks. When people feel depressed they often feel empty or irritable all the time; in addition to that constant nagging feeling that they will never be enough and nothing will get better.

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Drawing on unhealthy relationships card of a young man and woman underneath a tree.Drawing on unhealthy relationships card of a young man and woman underneath a tree.

Most people know that healthy relationships are based on equality, respect, trust and a reasonable amount of good communication between partners. It can be surprisingly hard to figure out when those things are not there. Unhealthy relationships can turn into abusive relationships quickly if and when there is an unbalance of power and control.

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Image of woman on borderline card standing one one leg with the words "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional".

Borderline Personality Disorder involves ingrained patterns of relating to yourself and others in ways that causes intelligent, charismatic people to swing from feeling self-assured to feeling that there isn’t a place for them in this world. People who live with BPD often feel a sense of profound emptiness, like they might not know who they are.

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Mixed media image on trauma card of woman with a swann and the words "so be still and cool in thy own mind and spirit"

A big part of growing up is learning how to identify, express and cope with emotions in a healthy, productive way. When young people don’t yet have the ability to match their inner emotions with the right words, they start to express themselves through actions. They may act in ways that seem like they don't make "sense."

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At New Perspective, we celebrate the rich tapestry of neurological variations that exist among us.  Neurodiversity encompasses the idea that neurological differences, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and other conditions, are natural variations of the human brain.

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Image on neurodiversity card of man who is overwhelmed at his desk

When does pain become trauma? The difference between pain and trauma is how someone heals after a difficult life event.  If a traumatic event shapes and changes the way you think about yourself, your future, and what you can expect from others and society you are at risk for developing emotional health difficulties rooted in trauma.

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Photograph on kids, teens, families card of mother and daughter with the words "mistakes are just proof you are trying".

Maybe your condition isn’t on this list; or maybe you’ve never been diagnosed with a mental health condition, but you know that it might help to talk to someone about how you feel. We’re here for you as well. Don’t hesitate to reach out to talk to one of our clinicians.

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Drawing on other conditions card of a heart covered in flowers

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New Perspective's logo, a head outlined in rope with ivy for a brain