New Perspective
offers both in
person and
At New Perspective we treat online sessions the same way as face-to-face sessions. We join a Teletherapy session from either a private home office or our onsite location using a secure HIPAA compliant platform (Google Meet).
What Are the
Benefits of
We believe that accessibility means providing both in person and teletherapy services. The great news is that research shows that therapy teletherapy works for many clients! Teletherapy makes it possible to meet with the right clinician even when distance, a lack of transportation, scheduling concerns, chronic illness or other concerns are at play.
It can also be an opportunity for clients to learn how to use skills in the environments that they live and work in. This might make it easier for some to apply new strategies outside of therapy in their daily lives.
What Are Some
Limitations of
One of the biggest limitations of telephone and online therapy sessions are technology failures and network connectivity issues. A lack of privacy might be another issue for clients who do not have a private area to speak with their therapist. While some people feel safe in the privacy of their home, other clients might be overheard by roommates or family members that they live with. For those who feel unsafe or lack privacy at home, teletherapy will not be as effective since those individuals may censor themselves or not be as forthcoming with their therapist.
If you are considering teletherapy, your therapist can work with you to come up with a plan that supports you, your privacy concerns, and your treatment goals.